Compare and contrast PVBH during the Holocaust to school bullying now . . .


  1. If you have time, elaborate on: "As human beings we cannot escape the fact that our decisions and actions affect the lives of others." Can this message be both positive and negative?

  2. we cannot turn a blind eye on what has happened. all we can do is learn fron our mistakes and ensure that history dosen't repeat istself. that we can never forget the lives were lost, for it is our job to remember.

  3. The actions that the world do and do not take affect the good or bad things that happen. Because the Nazis were intolerant and led by a homicidal egotistical maniac, millions of Jews and others died. Because the U.S. was just abuot as intolerant, though less extreme, the victims were forced to remain in the terrible conditions Germany provided.
    This message can teach those who don't already know that their actions (or lack thereof) could have a major affect on their world, for better or for worse.

  4. This message can be positive because if you do a good thing for somebody then that can be returned and it will affect you but in a good way. Its the same for negative really, this message is human life it applies to everything and it can be positive negative neutral whatever!

  5. this can be positive because if you treat others with respect you will gain morale from them and they will treat you with respect. it can be negitive because for instance if you kill someone or do harm to them they will keep a grudge and will plot for revenge

  6. Thank you for taking the time to respond to this post.
