Post your reactions to this comic strip

Please read through the cartoon 2-3 times.  Give it some thought and post your response to the cartoon (include first name and alpha number).  This should be a thoughtful reaction response telling us.

-Your first reaction
-What do you think about the questions the small child is asking the older gentleman?
-What are your feelings about how the gentleman responds to the small child?
-What is your reaction to the illustrations used in the cartoon?
-How would you have responded if you were the gentleman or child? 


  1. I think that the whole thing is a reminder that many people even in our own country don't know about the holocaust. The childs questions reflect the innocence of children. They think that the world is a perfect place. The old man answers the childs questions in the only way he can , with the truth. He reminds the child that the reminder isn't for him , but for the future.

  2. I thought it was a real good truth about how the old man described the chiled if she was like him during the Holocuast

    I guess the chiled is asking innocent quetstions to the old man.

    Truths and thoughts great deatil (except with no blood and vile murder).

    If I was the chiled I would say...
    "Then I shall remember"

  3. My first reaction was that the man might not tell her becuse he would be ashamed but he told her what happened. I think the questions the child is asking the man are good so she can learn about the past and what happened son she couldnt help repeat it and so she could be aware of other people and respect their differences.i think thye gentleman responded to the questions expertly because he explained what happened and gave a straightforward answer to what she asked and also informed her. My reaction is that i was surprised the little girl evn talked to the man and that the man responded told her what happened because maybe he wouldve been embarrassed or ashamed.If i was the man and the girl ws asking me that questio i would tell her exactly what he said. It was a great response while not explaining everything that happened and in an age appropriate response. If i was the child hearing this for the first time i mightve cried too.

  4. My first reaction was the child had no idea about what happend and she thought that nothing that horriable could happen. I think it was a good way to explain what happend. I like how at the end the man says something that makes it clear he dosnt want the holocaust to just fade as a memory. He think that they should teach kids about it so it dosnt happen again. The illistation was a good way to show it. If i were the child i would be suprised and it's alot to take in. If i were the gentleman i would try and explainit as acuratly but esay to understand as possiable.

  5. the man tought the child what happend in his days and why. the mans reaction was that the pilitcal exstremest (hitler) did not like his kind and told him that they put the in the camps. the child crying knew what went on and felt bad. my resonse to the man would be first to listen then respond with a did you survive and others didnt.

  6. I felt sorry for the man with the tattoo. It would make me sad to have people remind me of the Holocaust everyday. The kids questions seemed a little bit clueless. I don't think the kid would have really understanded what the old man was talking about. The illustrations left me wondering if the kid was a boy or girl. If i was the kid, I'd be curious why the man kept the tattoo. If i was the man, I would have told the kid to help make sure it never happened again.

  7. When I read this comic, it was depressing at first, but then the message of how horrible the Holocaust was set in when I read it the second time. The question the child was asking about political extremism was sort of confusing, because she's only a little girl, though it still got the point across. The way I felt about the old man's response was a little depressed, but serious and attentive at the same time. The illustration with the child in the concentration camp in particular was moving. If I was the child, I would have asked about the events of the Holocaust in more detail (while still being considerate of the fact that it was a sensitive topic)to gain more knowledge about it. If I were the old man, I would have tried my best to educate the child without depressing her, but still teaching her all I could, so that she knows that things like the Holocaust should never happen again.

  8. i kind of felt sorry for the guy with a tattoo because he had to go through that terrable time. i also think that it was nice of him to tell the girl about the past.

  9. -My first reaction was "wow!" because i didn't think about this, people would do something to themselves to remind them of what went down during the Holocaust.
    -I think the questions the child is asking the older gentlemen is very good because the gentle men is letting a child know what happened and what he went through.
    -I think the gentlemen felt very glad to answer the childs questions because he put it in way the child could understand what happened.
    -I liked the illustrations in the story because it should the child crying and i probably would to if i was him.
    -If i was the child i would have been like "Wow! that really happened, i with i was there so i could see but i kind of dont want to be there because i would have a 50-50 chance on dieing."

  10. this is ment to say that kids and adults that have never heard of what happen are tought on what really happened in 1940's. the child had very good questions, because they all talk about what can lead up to the things that break men, and take lives. he sums up what it was like to be a jew in europe in the 1940's. this was a very good example that we need to teach kids about what happened and how it happened in europe but we arnt and we need to start alot more. if i was the child i would have thought of what happened if me and my family was in the holocaust.

  11. I think the girl was nice to not ask so many questions because if the girl did then the old man would get mad. My fealing is sad because the old man tells her how it felt to be put in the camps. If i was the girl i would start to get sad and i would say were you scared when they came for your family and you?

  12. -Your first reaction

    My first reaction of this comic was that it was
    -What do you think about the questions the small child is asking the older gentleman?

    I think that the questions are reasonable because the child looks not to old and she probobly wouldn't know about the holocaust when she was that age, I sure didnt.
    -What are your feelings about how the gentleman responds to the small child?

    Well he said as a reminder to you, not him. I think he said this because of the importance of remembering what happend to make sure that it never ever happens again!
    -What is your reaction to the illustrations used in the cartoon?

    I think that the drawing at nice
    -How would you have responded if you were the gentleman or child?

    If I was the gentleman I wouldn't blame the little kid for not knowing about the tattoo.

  13. my first reaction was that it seemed like the kid was sad when the older man had startded to tell him what happened. I think that the question the kid asked him made the old man sad.

  14. my first reaction was the gentalman should of whent into more detail and stuff...also the boy i wouldent cry just because of that short story! the man really should of went into detail.
    i thought that the child kinda was nosy...he was kinda puting it in a way that could be offencive even tho he had no real intentions of...
    resopnce to the child should of been longer and more descriptive
    youre drawings were good but it could of been better..sorry
    if i was the child i wouldent ask because i would of already known what the mark ment(because im just awesome like that)...and if i was the gentalmen i would of said.."what are you looking at?...huh?" because the kid was staring at the gentalmen in kinda an unpleasant way!

  15. the small childs questions are reasonable. he has no prior knowlage of what the numbers stood for. my first reaction to this comic was thhat the man had a depresing childhood. the older fellow tells the story exactly as it happened. he didn't sugercoat it for the small child. why does the kid have a watermellon head? i would be depresed for awile.

  16. 1. well i felt said that he went thought the holacust. of the questions were ok insted of jumping to cunclusions
    3.i thought that the way he answerd the some of the question were to harsh fo the little girl
    4.i think he did it that way because she was a little girl and then he was an older man and he went throught things that she dose not have to worrie about
    5.i would have ask the man why he has the numbers on his arm

  17. I thought that is was very interesting, the fact that he kept the tatoo not to remind him but to remind other people. i do not have any reactions to the illustrations.

  18. My first reaction was that the man must have a very sad life.
    I think that the child seems very clueless at first but then the child seems to understand the story and his questions get smarter.
    My feelings are that he responded very well.
    The illustrations were very good and helped tell what was going on.
    If i were the child i would probably ask him what it was like and how he escaped.

  19. my first reaction was that why was the kid talking to the man they dont know. why the man has the strange tattoo. that he was given the tattoo during the holocaust. i dont have a response for that. if i were the man i would have told the child that i got the tattoo in the holocaust.

  20. I now know why it was importaint for the man to leave the numbers on his arms. The tatooed reminder of the Holocaust was left to remind the young and others of what had happened durring the Holocaust and that it can happen again. The old man had the numbers of a Jewish prisoner, most likely he was a slave laborer and was at one of the camps liberated by the Americans.

  21. my first reaction when i was reading the beginning of this i was thinking that the numbers were from the holocaust and then he said it was a reminder, and i knew what he was talking about. the childs questions made me think that we need more education about the holocaust and what happened during this time of horror. when the man replies, his facial expression became kind of worried and when he told the child about it he seemed so sad. my reaction to the illustration, well the childs face while she was crying was pretty sad. if i was the child, i would have reacted the same way. if i was the old man, i would have told the child to go home and ask her parents because i wouldnt want to talk about what had happened.

  22. :my first reactions were that i kind of knew what he was when the little boy had said that his tatoo was made out of the numbers then the old man had said that was a reminder so i had known that he was a slave laborer
    :i like the questions and i would have asked the same thing exept i would ask a little bit more question that had gave a little bit more information about the holocaust and i like how the old man had given the information about the holocaust but not enough to scare the little boy.
    :i like how he had answered all the little boys answers even though what he had gone through was a terrible time and i liked how the o0ld man had elaberated on the whole holocaust situation
    :i like the illistrations because once they had started talking about it and then the oldman had gave more info about it the little boy had imaganed that he was in the holocaust and about what it would be like for him.
    :if i was the gentalman i would have said the same exact thing as he did but i would have gave a little more information about it and what it was like.
    : if i was the little boy i would have asked more questions on about it so i would get a better feel on what it was like

  23. .I was a little cunfusd of what they were talking about at first. .I did not rely think about that. .I dont know i just read it
    .i was reading it fine and the illistrations were boring
    .i would be rely shocked or would not of believed it

  24. -this older gentamen must feel unconfurtable, and painful because he had to live through the holocaust.

    -The gentamen must of broke down in tears because the little kid asked if the number tattoo was a reminder of the olden day.

    -My feeling to this carton is faithful because we dont have anything like that today well we have wars but not as bad as they had back when hitler was in charge.

    - The old man has a really big nose, and big ears, and the little girl has a big head and her nose and eyes are the same size

    - if i was the old man i would tell the liittle girl the whole reason why i had the number tattoo. i would proboley would start crying. even today sounds so crule and harmful

  25. My first reaction to the cartoon was that having the number tattooed to your arm was a good reminder for other people like the little girl. It was made quite obvious she was completely oblivious to what the number was for, so when the man told her it brought The Holocaust to her attention and informed her of it. So having the man have the tattoo on his arm could help him inform other people of the tradgic event just like it did with the little girl. When the girl asked the man about his tattoo she wasn’t really sure what she was getting into when she asked what his tattoo was for.

    I think that the questions that the little girl were asking were reasonable for her age considering she looks rather young so it wouldn't really surprise me if she was educated on The Holocaust. At first she was curious to why he had just plain numbers on his arm, than she seemed to get the opposite reaction (thinking that it was a reminder of the happy days), than it seemed as if she wanted to get educated on what happened instead of leaving without knowing.

    I feel that the mans responses to the little girl were age appropriate but also educating. I know that the things that the Nazi's did to the "inferior" people were incredibly brutal, so it'd be hard to explain to a younger child that took things more sensitvely than someone my age per say. With the way he described The Holocaust he made it easy to understand but he made it also assertive enough to bring her to tears.

    The illustrations that were used for the cartoon seemed very... young. They weren't very detailed and not much color was used. I understand that not having color in the section about The Holocaust, but besides that to me it just seems too plain. In some way though, I do like the simpleness of the drawings. I think that the drawings being simple was something that was needed to focus on what the gentleman was saying. Sometimes cartoons with drawings that are incredibly detailed draw the readers attention away from what they are actually saying, and make them focus on the drawings instead. I think that what the man was saying in this cartoon was particularly important due to the fact that The Holocaust was a particularly important subject to be educated on.

    If I was the little girl in the cartoon, I think that I would've asked similar questions. I understand where she was coming from with the questions. First off though, if I were her, I probably wouldn't have been talking to the man because it seems that she didn't really know him considering she asked about the tattoo. Also, if I was her, once he started to talk to me about something as tragic as The Holocaust I probably would've left due to boredom (before he went into the big explanation). If I had stayed for the explanation, I probably would've started crying as well too considering how sad and depressing The Holocaust is. If I was the gentleman, I would've done almost the exact same thing as he did. I feel that what he said was incredibly reasonable for what she asked, and that he did a very impressive job not going into brutal detail that would've tramatized her.

  26. My first reaction was a little sad i guess. The thought that he kept it to remind people of what happened is a little sad to me. When I first heard about the Holocaust I was pretty upset. I couldnt amagine being there and going through all that pain. Losing my family and friends would be the hardest thing in the world. No one really understands what they felt like when all this was going on, so no one can really connect with them and try to make them feel safe or better. It is good for the girl to get a good education about things like that.

    The little girl's questions made it noticable that she was not completely sure about what had happened during the Holocaust, which was the man's reasons for still having the tatoo. She seemed alittle confused about why he still had the tatoo and she seemed to care about it too. If I was the little girl I would have cryed too. The Holocauast was a sad time. It is also very important for children to learn about things like that. It didn’t surpise me that she didn’t know about the Holocaust at all because she seemed really young.

    The man's responses made you want to cry a little. I mean, imagine being the girl's age and just hearing about it, and hearing it from soemone who was acually there during the time. When he told that young child that he kept the tatoo to remind her, showed me that people that were at the Holocaust are not all trying to hide it from the people that dont know. They want everyone to remember it and prevent from happing again.

    The illistrations that were used in the cartoon made me notice that the little girl felt some sorrow for the man and everybody else that took place in the Holocaist. The drawings seemed to decribe everything that i couldnt get out of them talking.

    If i was the young girl i probably would have cryed too. The Holocaust was a terrible thing and its very sad. When i first started reading this, I thought that the young girl didnt know the man that she was talking to. Which I find weird because when you are around that girl's ago, your parets always remind you not to talk to strangers. But children cant really keep their mouths shut. If I was the man, i probably would have responded similar answers. There is really nothing more you can say to a young child.

  27. My first reaction on this scriped was that the kid seemed very interested with the tatoo on the mans arm and wanted to know more about it. When the man talked to him about what happened and why he had the tatoo, the kid was very sad that that happened.
    The questions that the little kid asked the older gentalmen were complex for child his age. It seemed as it th kid wanted to know more about what happened in the holocaust.
    The way the gentalmen spoke to the kid was nice but he still got the point across that the germans went mad and held the jews in consentrtion camps.
    The one picture of the kid thinking that he was in the consentration camps was a miner but strong way to show what really went on in the horribe consentration camps. I think that the picture was hoibly and showed that what happened there was horrible.
    If i were the gentalmen I probebly would have done the same thing. The gentalmen probebly wanted to get the kid to realized what really went on in the consentration camps. If I were the kid I probley would of cried to . what happened there is real and you cant escape the fact that it is horibly.

  28. I find this comic to be serious and to the point. It is a great way to show what happened in the Holocaust. When I read the first panel, I thought "Uh-oh". The childs questions are innocent and that adds to the story. The man seems solemn, and his last comment is what brings the comic to its focus.

  29. the man wants the world to remember the holocaust and wants he doesnt want toremember what happend he wants the kids to see and learn what happend

    i like the illistrations and how the man explaind what happend to the boy not just ignore them

    i think that this was a good qeustion and the boy was corious

    i would do the same thing the man did and explain to the man what had happend to me when i was tortured in the camps

  30. thats owfull but she dosent understand

    she too young children are best at saying thier oppinon

    responded good polite

    good cound be alittle better

    i wouldent do anything differend it good

  31. Your first reaction: When I first read this completely through, I realized what it's supposed to mean through and through. It had a pure reason, to remind us, and to remind the survivors of the Holocaust to keep the memory alive - so we don't do it again.

    What do you think about the questions the small child is asking the older gentleman?: They were mostly out of interest, and they were a main key point to the comic. The kid, obviously did not know about the Holocaust, and he was asking the man about things he didn't know yet - like why the tatoo was there in the first place.

    What are your feelings about how the gentleman responds to the small child?: I think he explained it well enough - not going into many details, but not being completely blant. He probally didn't want to scare the child, so he did a kind of: short-talk version, of the Holocaust. Like a shortened, remicise of his expereince, fit for a child.

    What is your reaction to the illustrations used in the cartoon?: There very effective, and they fit the story well.

    How would you have responded if you were the gentleman or child?: If I were the gentleman, I would have told him the same thing. It's very important that modern children know about the Holocaust, whether they like it or not.

  32. i didnt kow it was about the holocaust at first IDK hes being nice about it i dont think there very good if i was dude i would have explained more on how bad it was

  33. -My first reaction was that the man wanted the world to not forget and not repeat history
    -The question the little girl asked was why he kept the tatto, to make it so kids would be educated in what happened and that it would never happen again.
    -If this was a real, the old man shouldn't have explained to the child at such a young age.(She looks 6 or 8.)
    -The art is well created to show what some conversations of this would probably happen.
    -If I was the child, I would've just walked off.

  34. my first reaction was that i was suprised that the girl asked the question. i felt like it was a good question to ask because if that were me at that age i would probly ask the same thing but at the end the girl had probly regreted what she said. I felt like man answered honesly so the girl would get the point so that nothing like that would happen again.

  35. It was brilliant and showed expressed its point successfully. The little girl is pretty innocent, she has no idea what the set of numbers mean and thinks that it was a willing thing. She is very inquistive, and positive asking questions that are in good hopes. Its cool how when he goes off talking about the Holocaust and how his family was killed it shows him as a little boy with the star of david on his chest. It shows the concentration camp around him. And in the begginning he says he was about her age and in the picture he looks just so. When he finishes his story she is begginning to cry for him and when she asks if its to remind him he says it was to remind her. She looks up at in a knowing way after that. If I were the gentleman I probably would have responded the same way. After he told his story I probably would have reponded sympathetically.

  36. My first reaction was, OHHH I understand its to remind him so his lifetime the holocaust or something like it doesnt happen again.
    The questions that were asked were what are the numbers on your arms? and after that the kid asked if it was a political extremist reminder, To remind him of the political terror
    The gentleman responded to the child in a way of answering a question, he was very kind about it and explained in while he was sad because it was about sadness and I noticed that because the kid was crying.
    It was kind of like a comic book (the theme) and it showed the kid thinking about the concentration camps and showed a picture of it and that made the kid cry and it showed pictures wich makes me feel... like it goes well with it, and it puts more effect into what the man said
    If I was the child I would have felt sad for the gentleman and I would have tried to cheer him up. If I was the gentleman I would do the same thing he did in the comic strip.
    ~By CC (CoolCat) Miles # 8 Servers Point 0

  37. that it was sad i think that she was asking the questions out of curiousity and not expecting it to be so sad and i think i would have asked the same questions if i saaw that tattoo i think that his responces to the small child are thoughtful and decriptive i like the illistrations i think that there a good desciption like of him when he was little and then its sad how she was crying but the right illustartion if i was the gentalman i would have responding the same way he did and explained it to the small child if i was the kid i would have ased and reacted the same way most likly.

  38. i think that the girl is sad and does not understand it and so she is a sad bro and the man is telling her about the holocost but the little girl does not understand so ya bra booga

  39. thats painfull but she didnt understand

    i think that it is helpfull for the child asking all the questions becuase she needs to understand what is going on.

    my feelings are that he is trying to tell her what it was about is what i think

    my reaction is that it is really cool that he is trying to tell her what it was

    i woukd have responded by sayin that i got this tattoo and so on like trying to explain it to the child little by litte so they understand what i am trying to say.

  40. My first reaction was surprisment and i felt sad but I thought it was amazing how the old man got a tattoo of the numbers of the holocaust to remember those who died, and it was great that the girl wanted to learn about what had happened and was sad and thought about what if it was her and her family in the holocaust.

    The questions the girl was asking the older man wear very upfront and she was very curious.

    The answers the old man were saying made me upset.

    The illustrations in the cartoon were very good, and it showed how the little girl reacted to his answers.

    If I were the little girl i would probaly mind my own buisness in the first place but if I was that curious than my responses would of been very sad and curious of the situation. If what he was telling me was new news and i hadn't known what the holocaust was than I would of probaly cryed and be very surprised that people on our earth would do such horrible things. If I were the man I would love to share the holocaust with the little girl beacause many kids today have never even heard of the holocaust.

  41. 1)Were you a part of the holocaust?

    2)I think he thinks about his family that he lost and all the people he watched get murdered in the holocaust.

    3)It makes me feel sad for all the people that got killed and the people that survived.(Very few)

    4)If I were the child I would have asked him what those numbers were from. I think those numbers were there so they could "keep track" of the Jews and were they worked in the concentration camps.

  42. 1. at first i didnt get it but then it registered.
    2. the little child wasnt understanding the reasons for the tatoos because she was unaware of the halocaust.
    3. he got the tatoo to avoid kids being unaware and he was succesful on letting the child know about the halocaust.
    4. i didnt get anything out of the pictures except for the one with the kid standing in striped pjs and the star of david on his chest
    5. if i was the gentleman i would feel succesful if i were the child i would feel stupid.

  43. ~My first reaction was that it was sad and it was nice of him to explain the tatto to the little kid.
    ~i think the questions were just questions a kid would ask...wondering questions.
    ~I feel he was not that clear, but informing because a kid could probebly handle only that much.
    ~My reaction to the cartoon were that they were nicely done but i wish we could have seen the tatoo at first.
    ~ I would have been sad and upset and it would ahve difficult to talk about.

  44. i was surprised how bluntly the man described the holocaust to the kid but he did "sugar cote" it a little bit.
    i thought it was a little rude that the kid said it was boring but at the end of the comic he understood y it was there.
    i thought it was good that he explained it to the kid so the kid understood how horrible the world could be.
    i thought it was a good way to show how dark the hlocaust was.
    if i was the man i would do the same thing and tell him y it happened.

  45. My First Reaction to this was it was random for a little girl to be sitting with a random guy with a random tattoo. The questions the little girl was asking were things she didnt know that had happened. My response to what the guy said to her is that he answered back in a wise way to explain the what had happened in his days and what the holocaust was about. the illistration was good because it made it seem like the little girl understood when she was crying. i dont know what i would have said if i were them

  46. my first reaction was he was in the holocaust and that was a stranger saying that too him.

    i think that the little kid is breing a littlekid and is very curious and they are important questions.

    the gentleman was very nice and entusiastic about the child.

    the illustartions add to the story and show good emotions

    if i was the child i would have said im sorry for your past and if i was the gentalman i would say the past was really bad and hopefully it doesnt happpen again

  47. My first reaction to this comic was that i was very surprised the man was not as direct to the holocaust but it was very informing and i completley forgot that the nazis put tattos on the prisoners i just wonder what the kid must be thinking

    The way the gentleman responed was not clear but it made you think and made u try to understand

    the illustrations got the piont accross for me like when i saw the boy in the camp i understood the comic completeley

    if i was the boy i probably would have babbled on asking questions cuase when u are a child u dont know the intense deatils about the holocaust and if i was the man i maybe would have tryed to sapre the childs feelings or give an answer without him oe her worrying to much

  48. My first reaction was that it was going to be about the holocaust because the child was wearing a stripe uniform with star of david on it.
    What do you think about the questions the small child is asking the older gentleman?i think if didnt know about holocaust before i would ask the same questions and pretty normal question a little kid would ask.
    What are your feelings about how the gentleman responds to the small child? It showed that he was arngry about the sitaution and he explain the main idea about the holocaust.
    What is your reaction to the illustrations used in the cartoon? i dont have any
    -How would you have responded if you were the gentleman or child? maybe the same way. Just expalin why i had the tatoo.

  49. i think that the kid was happy at first an when he found out that the number was about death and terrible time in the econemy he was sad and was still wondering why the adualt had kept the tattou and he should get rid of it but it just said that he kept it to keep the new times reminded

  50. I think the little child dosent understand what the horrors of the holocaust were and asked genuinely simple questions. I think the gentleman responds with the horrors and the dark scenario that he was in. also i think that theolder man used words that the little kid wouldnt know. i think the illistrations were mediocre but deffinitly proved the point. If i was the older man i would of responded to the little kid in more kid-friendly terms to not make that kid cry. if i was the kid i would of kept the questions the same.

  51. My first reaction to this is that it is a good thing that the older gentleman told the child about the holocaust. I think that the questions have to do with the holocaust but sort of dont. His responses are good because it is exactley what happened in the concentration camps. The illustrations represent the looking of the camps and the people. If i was the gentleman i would have said exactley what he said and if i was the child i may have wanted the older gentleman to explain more about the holocaust.

  52. My reaction was like,"wait...numbers on the arm...HOLOCAUST!!!:0"
    Well the inncocent child ovibously knew nothing of the Holocaust before he talked to the man, so when the child says "Oh, a reminder of happier days?" I mean come on! This child is still living in dream world, so of course the child is not going to say "Oh, to remind you of the HOlocaust." and as the child goes through and asks the man these questions one the last one gets me. "So you kept it to remind yourself about the dangers of polital extremism?" and he replies "No my dear. To remind you." WHAT???!!! what does that even mean? I am so confused! The child only picks up on that, but what does the man mean? Seriously!
    The illustartions are the two waiting for a bus or somthing, and the child gets curisou so the child decides to ask. And the illustrations, really capture the depressing parts of the holocaust like, with the man in the concentration camp and then with him crying.
    i would have been awe, and depressed. i would have hugged him.

  53. My first reaction to this comic was that I thimk its good that the older man was reminding young children about the holocaust.I thought the questions he asked were about the holocaust but he didnt know they were. I feel that the gentleman responded good because he told him what happened without all the blood and gore. The illastrations went with the story. If i were the gentleman I probably would have said mostly what he said and if i were child i would of asked him to explain more.

  54. -My first reaction to this comic was suprise at how this old man is telling such a small child about what he went through in the holocaust. I was also suprised at how understanding the little kid understood what he was talking about.
    -I think that what the kid was asking about was personal for the old man and maybe she shouldn't have said anything about the tattoo.
    -I think what the old man said as a reply was kind of deep for such a little kid.
    -I think the illistrations were very elaborate.
    -If i were the gentleman i would have said the same thing but if i were a little kid like that i probably might not have known what to say.

  55. ~Umm, well my first reaction to the tattoo was it being from the Holocaust. From the camps. To me, it seemed like the tattoo that was on him was like a something that told people that he was different. That he was a prisoner or something. Maybe he was...Jewish?

    ~Um, the questions that the child is asking the man is something i would ask if I saw someone with that kind of tattoo. I think that it is normal for the child to react like that, because the child does not know a thing about the hard times...the Holocaust.

    ~It makes me sad. I cant possibly picture myself in his shoes. I think the man is saying that he'll never forget about it. The Holocaust, that is. I think that he is glad that he is there now. That he is able to be there, talking to the child. That he is glad to..survive?

    ~Uh the illustrations tells us a lot. There was a section about the Holocaust and other sections were of the conversation. This comic is obviously talking about the Holocaust and what the man had gone through. It made me sad. The holocaust makes me sad. No one should ever have to go through any of this.

    ~Child- I wouldnt probably know anything about the Holocaust so i'll probably be confused and sad. (because of what the man said at the end.)

    Gentlement- Well if it was me, I'd probably try hard to hold back my tears. I can't, not in a million years ever imagine what the man had gone through...what others had gone through. I just can't.

  56. 1) My first reaction was, 'Why is this old man telling this little kid this?!' And I felt bad for the little kid, too. It was a lot to handle for someone his age. Also, I felt bad for the old man, who had to go through the Holocaust all those years ago.

    2)The little guy was only trying to make the converstaions happier... His questions were obviosly on the optimist side. But again and again he got sad answers.

    3)This old man is trying, sor of, to make it vague at the beginning, but then I guess he gives up, and tells the child a lot. I feel like it was too much, too fast. Apparently he was trying to warn the kid, but he could have said it differently... I guess.

    4)It seems like a typical setting at first, two people sitting and talking on a bench. No harm done, right? Then the flashback image comes, and it seems really sad to the kid, and me, I guess. The poor guy..... It's so sad, in fact, that the little kid starts to cry. ={

    5)If I were the kid, I would probably wouldn't have understood what the old man was talking about enough to cry. That little guy seems pretty emotional. I also would have been curious about the tattoo, though.

    If I were the old man, I don't think I would have revealed quite that much in such a fast and harsh way. It seems a little overwhelming... Maybe I would have said something like that, but more vague, and then try to comfort the little kid.

  57. -Your first reaction
    When I first read this, I thought that it was lacking detail about the Holocaust. But it was a good short summary about it. At first I wasn't quite sure what it was about.

    -What do you think about the questions the small child is asking the older gentleman?
    I thought that the questions the little boy asked were good questions if he didn’t know what the Holocaust was. If he did then he should've been more detailed.

    -What are your feelings about how the gentleman responds to the small child?
    In my opinion the gentleman's response to the little boy was good because it kept the boy wondering a little so that he would want to learn more about it so that he would know that it should never happen again.

    -What is your reaction to the illustrations used in the cartoon?
    My reaction to the illustrations was that the setting was a little too casual although it did show the emotion of the people which is the main part.

    -How would you have responded if you were the gentleman or child?
    If I was someone in this comic, I would've put lots of detail in my responses because the Holocaust isn't something that can be told in a short conversation. I would want the boy to know as much as possible so that in the future if something like that ever happened again then more people would be aware of how to stop it.
